Junior Infants – 2nd class had great fun practicing yoga with Ms. Duggan on Monday as part of our Wellbeing Week. Exercise, in any form, is key to maintaining good mental health.
3rd & 4th classes enjoyed participating in a healthy eating & lifestyle workshop as part of Wellbeing Week with nutritionist Noha Elshatshat. The focus was on how to make healthy food choices. Thank you Noha!
Laura Hedderman very kindly ran Art Therapy workshops for 4th, 5th & 6th class over the last 2 days. The children learned how art and creativity can help with our wellbeing. Thank you Laura!
Joanne & Seán Mc Hugh kindly delivered a cookery demonstration to 6th class to mark Wellbeing Week. 6th class had great fun putting their cookery skills in to practice & made delicious homemade pizzas! Thank you Joanne & Seán!
Ms Randalls 3rd Class made healthy smoothies for Wellness week and Food Dudes. They were working on procedural writing focusing on how to make a smoothie. All the class enjoyed them, they were delicious!
The band of the 1st brigade, Collins Barracks, helped us celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge and Wellbeing Week on Friday! A wonderful occasion & gathering! Thanks to all involved!!
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