Green Schools
To date we have earned 7 Green Flags.
Litter and Waste
Global Citizenship – Litter and Waste
Global Citizenship – Energy
Global Citizenship – Marine Environment
At the beginning of October we were very proud to receive our 8th Green Flag for our work on the theme of Global Citizenship – Marine Environment. The boys and girls from Ms. O’Leary’s 2nd class attended the virtual awards ceremony and they were delighted to accept our new Green Flag on behalf of the whole school community. A big congratulation to all the children and staff who made such a great effort to raise awareness about the Marine Environment over the past 2 years.
Thanks to everyone for all the brilliant work done over the past 2 years and a special thank you to Ms. O’Keeffe and Ms. O’Sullivan!!
This year we are beginning to work towards earning our 9th Green Flag. We are focusing on a very exciting theme this year, Global Citizenship – Travel. Our new Green Schools committee is made up of representatives from 4th, 5th and 6th class. They are – Julia Healy, Patrick O’Rourke, MJ Walsh, Lauren O’Grady, Aisling Broderick and Jamie O’Riordan. They are all very excited to start working on our new theme. They will be conducting a number of different surveys and audits before Christmas to assess the current travel habits in our school.
On Tuesday we hosted a “Trash-Free Tuesday” – our Green Schools Action Day for our Global Citizenship Marine Environment Flag. To celebrate this, everyone wore something blue!
We held a school wide competition during the school closure to find a slogan to promote our current Green School theme – Marine Environment. Boys and girls from every class in the school shared their fantastic entries on Seesaw.
The winning slogan and poster was created by Emily Field from Ms. Lenihan’s Senior Infants Class. Well done Emily!
‘I have a wish to save our fish, let’s be fantastic and use less plastic!’
The following posters and their slogans were runners-up in the competition!
We are currently working towards earning our 8th flag. The theme for this flag is Global Citizen – Marine Environment. In September a new Green-Schools Committee, made up of 8 children from 2nd up to 6th class, was established and they will be working over the course of the next two years to raise awareness about the Marine Environment throughout the school and in our local community. Let us all work together to achieve number 8!!!
Ms. O’Keeffe’s 1st Class are taking part in the Seakeepers Junior project this year. As part of the project they will be learning about lots of different Irish Marine animal and plant species. The first animal we looked at was the amazing basking shark.
Ms. Gowen’s 1st Class we’re learning about marine litter and water pollution. They did there own water pollution investigation and made some fantastic observations about how marine litter can harm marine life.
The children in 2nd class have been learning about the sources of marine litter and the harm it is having on marine life. They made these fantastic posters to raise awareness of the issue.
As part of the Seakeepers project 1st Class were learning about a type of seaweed called Bladderwrack.