Jan 12, 2024
We had a fantastic start to the New Year with Junior Infants to 1st class taking part in an African Drumming Workshop. The children and teachers had so much fun. It was a super workshop and many thanks to Patrick for making the day so enjoyable for all. Over the next...
Dec 20, 2023
Watergrasshill N.S. was issued a Cineáltas Flag recently. The Cineáltas Flag will serve as a visible national symbol of the school community’s shared commitment to be kind and to work together to prevent and address bullying. The flag will hang in our school...
Dec 6, 2023
Well done and congratulations to 6th class who celebrated the Ceremony of Light on the 5th December, in preparation for their upcoming Sacrament of Confirmation. This was a special service in preparation for Confirmation with a focus on light and passing on the faith...
Nov 22, 2023
Junior Infants took part in Science Week by doing lots of experiments. They made a Coca Cola geyser, giant jelly bears, rainbow skittles and dancing raisins! Experimenting with bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to make potions in 1st Class! 2nd Class had great fun doing...
Nov 22, 2023
A great day in Páirc Uí Chaoimh for the school As the dust settles we acknowledge the efforts of our girls and boys Sciath na Scol teams who took part in their respective football Finals on the 9th of November. The scoring exploits of Kate O’ Connell in the girl’s...
Nov 17, 2023
A huge thank you to everyone that dressed up and supported our Halloween disco today! A great day was had by all! We raised a whopping €876.60. 5th Class had great fun designing and making their own Halloween costumes from recyclable materials and old clothes. They...
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